If you have any trouble authenticating to the Academy or enrolling in a particular course, please contact helpdesk@inpixon.com.

The challenge most people have, is you must create an account for yourself and then also enroll in the course.  Most potential students forget the second step so please proceed with the instructions once you've made your account.  Please finish reading the instructions before beginning the process.

To get to the site, click here: https://academy.inpixon.com/login/index.php


Click on the "Create New Account" button.




The new account screen appears.  You must create a username and password so that you can login to the site in the future.  Answer all the required questions.  One of the required questions requests your organization name.  So if for example, you are an Inpixon employee, you would put "Inpixon" here, not a department name such as sales or engineering.  


Once you click the "create new account" button, you will be sent an email to confirm the account.  



Now when you go to the main site page, you have a valid user name and password allowing you to login to the site, https://academy.inpixon.com.  Once you type in your username and password, click on the "greater than sign" on the right to login.


Now that you are logged in, you will see a list of available courses.  Below the course you are interested in, press the "click to enter the course" button.



The enrollment key field appears.  The enrollment key for this course should have been provide to you when you were first invited to take the class.  If you don't have it, please email me at Scott.Howell@inpixon.com.  Once you have the enrollment key, type it into this field.



You don't have to create an account ever again, just hold onto your username and password.  There is also a link if you forget your password to have it sent to your email address.  

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything.




Last modified: Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 1:13 PM